Tuesday, May 17, 2011


As we grow older and gain more life experience and understand people and society much more, the somewhat artifical character who we thought we once were fades away, and we start to grow more as individuals, and are less influenced by others. When we are younger, our character develops from what others think of us, not what we think about ourselves. We are easily influenced to be more like people who are somewhat similar to ourselves, or who we think we are similar to. Slowly, we start to realize that the person who we thought we once were was some kind of illusion - our thoughts become more developed and our senses become matured - as a result we become more individualistic.

The drawback with aging is that it becomes harder to get excited about things as before, when we have experienced mostly everything that we wanted to do as a child. When those dreams come true for us, when we grow older We constantly try to experience these things again, but the certain buzz, the euphoria, the excitement isn't to the degree as it was when we have done it the first time. Because of this, we become harder on ourselves to improve our character, our intellect and develop our personality more. These are the things can make us feel better as humans, and to improve our lives on a daily basis. The longer we go without improving ourselves in one way or another, the less passionate we get about things that we gave us happiness before and about waking up every morning and starting the day. We should be constanty improving ourselves physically and mentally to live a healthy and fullfuled life.

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