Wednesday, August 17, 2011

my views on beauty and society

my views on beauty and society
by : sunit
I’m not a victim to judge myself through societal structures and expectations in the rich capitalist societies that we live in. We should judge ourselves through our own senses, our own ability to touch, feel, create and think. I’m not saying I’m perfectly individualistic by nature, my views of truth have been distorted by my surroundings and its inhabitants; however I have accepted that it is rather impossible to be a true individual in our post modern societies. Our obsessions with religion, daytime TV, newspapers,etc. all have the ability to be potential evils in my mind because they all distort our real train of thought, and they all contribute to the non-individualistic, media driven, violent, insecure, and ill informed society that we live in. We should not let other people’s opinions distort our own reality and what we perceive as the truth; under my own senses the closest we can perceive the truth is reflected in beauty and in aesthetics. Beauty can come in various forms, only a few of us (the lucky ones, as I like to say) have the ability to actually grasp the true concept of beauty. Once we have grasped this form of ‘truth’, we appreciate the divine sensory pleasures that our existence was made for. At some moment in our lives, when we have reached a high and have found this truth and you can feel the goosebumps on your skin, your heart pounding, all your senses and your soul are in complete ecstasy. You feel more alive than you ever have in your whole demanding, dull and tame life. A goal for us is to remember that particular moment of ecstasy and live in a way that we can repeat that ‘great pleasure’ in different forms in which we perceived this truth as much as possible. Even if it means going against aged societal structures, this should be our end goal. The few of us that never have this specific beautiful and divine moment in perceiving this truth end up getting bitter about the world and its inhabitants, they will seek refuge from this inability in various ways such as violence, anger, bitterness, and turn into criminals or those kind of people who never have anything good or positive to say who we all know and despise.

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